Saturday, July 5, 2008

my homage to my rising star... james mcavoy

He's currently starring as one of the most unlikely leading men in one of the biggest movies of the summer alongside angelina jolie. he's a pasty-white red headed glaswegian with a thick accent standing at a whopping 5'7''. the man can't weigh more than a buck 50 (if that!!). and yet somehow he has women all over the world falling all over him (including myself).
it doesn't hurt that he's an amazing actor. i first noticed him in 2004 in the television show 'shameless' (in which he was brilliant- meeg can attest to that). if you haven't seen it, you must rush out and try to get your hands on it ASAP. he then took a turn as mr. tumnus in the chronicles of narnia, one of the highest grossing films ever. and then the real action began...
the last king of scotland. he turned in a magnificent performance and the film was nominated for best film of the year. a year later he kicked it again in atonement, again nominated for best film of the year. now he's going for the leading man thing in wanted.
of course, he's made other films, including an amazing adaptation of Macbeth, but he's now really coming into himself (and if you can believe it, he's only 30).
he's the next big thing- he's the new big thing- and i say that it's about time that we have a leading man who is sensitive and funny and not 6'2'' and built like a body builder. he's a real man, and by that i mean he's just real. he's like you and me. watch interviews with him-- he's humble, funny, affable, well-spoken, and clearly a guy that you'd want to be friends with.
bravo james. i wish you all the success in the world.
i'll be watching!!


Anonymous said...

Well written article.

Stinky's Mommy and Daddy said...

why thank you (even though i think that there are better ones on here). i appreciate the support!!