Thursday, February 7, 2008

You're tearing me apart!!

you! you say one thing, and he says another, and then everybody changes back again!

ok- why does it have to be me who always points these things out?!? hillary, barack- sit down. shut up. hillary- i said zip it. i know, barack. i know, i don't care. shut up, both of you!! don't you see what you're doing? this was supposed to be OUR time! we had it in one! there was no way that ANY of them could have beat us (even mccain) after this mess that W's made. and what are you two doing with this golden opportunity? ripping each other apart! you're not even going after THEM! you're going after each other. i know, i know, it's the primary. you have to battle it out to see who wins. and, i can see how badly you both want this. that's not the point though! you're on the same fucking side! stop bashing each other like this! one of you is going to get it in the end, and then the other is going to have to suddenly change tack and get behind the candidate that's chosen.
if you lose hillary, how are you suddenly going to say that you support barack after you've been telling us how unelectable he is?
barack, how are you going to get behind hillary if she takes it when you've spent all of these months telling us that she's a part of this machine/good ol' boy network that we have to get out of?
well, you just can't!! both of you! think about the future! you're going to make yourselves (and the party) look so disingenuous! it's a disgrace! at least do a little less attacking of one another! discuss the issues, fair enough (speaking of which- why aren't you talking about the environment? barack- if you open your mouth to talk about health care, i'm going to slap you! why aren't either of you talking about more of the important things that we NEED you to be talking about? hillary, grow a pair, babe. everyone thinks you're this ballsy bitch, but i see through you. you're so scared to lose this that you're not really stepping up. why doesn't anyone KNOW that you're ENTIRE campaign is totally carbon neutral? that's a HUGE deal!! they don't know because you don't mention it!! change the subject when a reporter asks you the same question AGAIN. answer the question you want to. it goes like this, "i think if you refer to last night's discussion you'll see that that question was already asked and answered (you're both lawyers, right? USE YOUR WORDS). if i may, i would like to take this opportunity to bring up the environment, as nobody seems to be asking any questions about this crucial subject...". that's how you do it, kids. and that would get attention).
but wait, i'm getting off point. the point is this.
you're on the same side in the end.
you're ripping each other apart in ways that are not going to allow you to backtrack when the primaries are over.
if you allow mccain to take this because of your stupid in-fighting i'm going to be really really angry. and you won't like me when i'm angry.

1 comment:

Meeg said...

It is a difficult situation. The fight is far from over, and neither one of them is going to back down. Hopefully they've gotten the message and they'll focus on the issues and the differences in their platforms rather than attacking each other.