Thursday, January 31, 2008

gratuitous blogging

ok, i don't really have all that much to say at the moment because
a) i have a lot going on in my life (new job possibly?!?!?, we're having a MESS of a time with immigration and gavin's work visa expires on the 13th and we somehow haven't been approved yet even though they said we would be by now, i still have NO AGENT, i could go on but will spare you).
b) there just really isn't that much going on that i want to talk about. ok, britney's in for psych treatment. i couldn't care less. i'm so tired of her it makes me ill.
c) there's lots of politics to talk about, but i'm going to save that for a double whammy mardi gras day/super tuesday post
d) i could talk about chinese new year but i'll save that for the actual day (the 7th).

BUT i'm tired of opening this up to see if i have comments and looking at that scary dead woman on that scientology post. so, i've decided to put up this kind of ridiculously funny youtube thing. it might not seem like you want to watch them, but you do. i promise. just do it. really.

and the follow-up video...

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