Thursday, June 12, 2008

i know, i know... i promised

ok, i'm so bloody over this whole thing that the only reason i am posting this at all is because i promised to in my last post (damn me and my stupid promises!!).

so, hillary's lost it. finally the battle is over (and somewhere meeg is jumping up and down over the death of the evil ice queen). i have to say, we all know that we would have voted for whomever won it. anyone but oldie mcolderson (even if bracha thinks he's sexy- shudder).

i just hope that obama has the chops to nail this one. i don't know that i could handle another defeat... i just don't know what i would do (oh wait, i DO know what i would do... i would leave the f-ing country!!! well, i'm going to regardless of what happens, so i guess that's moot).

so, the queen is dead... long live the king. let's hope he's up to the challenge of battling the evil empire!!!

next time- something i am a little more interesting. i promise that there will be more political posts when we really get into the mud-slinging of the general election!

1 comment:

Jessica Pages said...

Hi, i found your blog through google...i'm also a photographer and i'm heading over to new orleans next week. I was wondering if you had any advice on where to go, sight see, shoot, eat and anything in between . If you can email me at if you have time i would appreciate it so much thanks
