Thursday, September 11, 2008

Wrong Palin, John!! We wanted Micheal!!!

ok, so i have a confession to make. many years ago (and i think i'm going to blame post-storm trauma on this one) meeg and i were having a conversation in which i stated that if it came down to mccain versus some AWFUL dem candidate that i would go with mccain. i have to say (in my defence) that at the time he seemed a lot more harmless- although in retrospect, was he ever harmless? ANYWAY- when meeg said, 'how bad would the dem candidate have to be?' i responded with, 'ok, let's say it was kathleen blanco versus john mccain. in that case, i would totally be all about mccain.'

i think it's funny that now mccain has picked the republican, crazy version of blanco as his running mate. seriously, a one term governor who is for everything i am against and who i just KNOW that when mccain's 127 year old ticker gives out will make a total mess of things (remember blanco's 'deer in the headlights' look just before katrina? that's how i see palin looking for the entirety of her term after mccain kicks it. not good, not good at all.

i don't have to tell you all about all of her craziness- her preggers teenage daughter (which, in itself, i am not really going to judge- i just think it's funny that the republicans are NOW all saying that we should stay out of her personal life... hmm... that sounds like it's really quite the opposite of what they were saying when clinton got a bj from an intern- but whatevs), her penchant for hunting and fishing, her total disregard for anything environmental (she believes in global warming but doesn't think it's our fault?!!?!), she wants to open up alaska for drilling and thinks we should be able to shoot wolves. NICE.

so, not like my vote wasn't locked for obama already, but now that mccain is running with bizzaro-blanco i'm going to actually have to enlist to help with the obama campaign (phone calls and what not) rather than just casting a vote.

oh, and i know palin is younger and has better skin/hair- but tell me that there isn't some freaky resemblance here!!!

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