Sunday, August 31, 2008

ohhh gustav!!

can this be happening again?
the day after i was supposed to have my birthday party a hurricane hits (wait, did we just time warp to 2005?!?).
at least this time bush made a statement BEFORE the hurricane hit. maybe fema, etc. will actually be prepared this time. who knows? what i do know is that new orleans can't afford to take another hit. we just can't. emotionally, psychologically, economically... we just can't afford it!

well, i hope it doesn't flood, or maybe that it floods just enough that fema feels it necessary to hand out some well-deserved checks. they can take the money from the money they're pouring into the war. wow, that sounds selfish AND terribly greedy. whatever, i'm bitter about my birthday. i think i deserve to be a little pouty at the moment! another birthday with no presents!! (ok, that's a lie- gavin gave me something and so did stephanie). still, this is the second time in four years!!
at least we can all take comfort in the fact that no matter how screwed we are, george bush actually knows it's happening this time. ah, how times have changed (even though i think it's just an excuse to not have to go to the convention- but whatever).

good luck to everyone and for everyone who's elsewhere- pray, cross your fingers, sacrifice goats, whatever you do... do it for us and hope that we make it through.

i'll talk to all of you on the other side!

much love,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Get out of town!!!