Wednesday, January 2, 2008

breaking news...lenny kravitz is boring as hell

so, gavin sees a lot of celebs as he works at whole foods (and where else is a good celeb going to shop in new orleans- certainly not the one in metairie- pffftt). he told me just the other day that lenny kravitz came in the store with an entourage of skinny ass chicks (i've met him before and can attest to the fact that he goes nowhere without these, erm, lovely ladies), and (naturally) his PA. his pa went up to gavin and asked where the water was. gavin started to say that the cooler with the single bottles of water were... and then lenny pipped up with, 'no, man. i only drink room temperature water.' so, gavin showed him where that was.
in all fairness i like my water room temp, too and if i could have an entourage of skinny chicks and a PA i'd be all over it, but really! do they have to go to whole foods with you? the water ailse is a WHOLE aisle. now all of these people are too lazy/dumb to just read the big signs over the aisles? what's going on lenny. ohhhhhh, he was probably high. that makes it ok then.


Meeg said...

I like room temperature water too, but that is a pretty dull item to be buying. When you get over Lenny's hot body and the whole retro-hipster thingie (not necessarily in that order) his music is pretty meh.

Stinky's Mommy and Daddy said...

not just pretty meh, really meh. what about that awful version he did of, 'american woman'? ughh, that was painful!!

Anonymous said...

He is really hot though (if a bit weird)!!!!!!