Saturday, January 5, 2008

to tat or not to tat aka is a fleur de lis a fleur de lis, even if it doesn't really look like one?

we all know that i am the original holder of the nola tat. got it in 2000 waaaaaay before it was popular. i have recently decided though that when i move to scotland in the spring of 09 that i would like to get a fleur de lis as well. i don't want just any ol' fleur de lis though. i want one that's super special and unique (and that's going to hurt like hell). so, i found this one that looks very little like a fleur de lis, but it obviously is one. i'd like you all to tell me what you think. should i get it (not in this color, but the same design) or should i go for a more traditional one?

please, comment comment comment! i really am asking for opinions here!!!

and just for you curious kids out there here's the original... (and those are my fingers above and below the tat, thank you!)

and here's a pic of meeg getting his fleur de lis just so that all of you who haven't seen it can (and cus i know we're all aching to see him without a shirt on...)


Meeg said...

This is how I want to be remembered.

Stinky's Mommy and Daddy said...

what? shirtless and bloodied?
i think it's awesome. and not just cus i was there.

Gail said...

I like the big tat that you've picked - but the bloody look is so not attractive! What about a bright pink colour?! Lol!

Meeg said...

Somehow I forgot that you were there, which makes no sense seeing as how you took this picture.

Stinky's Mommy and Daddy said...

i'm the one who picked out where you should go!! i drove you!! i got you drunk afterwards!! how could you forget these things?!?!?

plus, you still haven't mentioned if you like the weird version of the fleur de lis... i wouldn't get it in that color of course (black, naturally).