Thursday, August 23, 2007

ohhh, kathleen!! why? how? why?

as we all know, gov kathleen blanco is an idiot. she froze when hurricane katrina hit. seriously, go back and look at the footage of her and nagin calling for the mandatory evacuation. bitch looks like a dear caught in the headlights. so sad. to make matters worse, she's done a horrible job since then. she can't seem to get money from the feds and when she does she somehow manages to lose it. we all know she's not getting elected again. let's just hope it's not jindal who takes her place. (please mitch, lead us!!).

now our dear kathleen is trying to get out of testifying in a trial involving two nursing home owners charged with negligent homicide after 35 of their patients died during hurricane katrina.
the court said, 'screw you. you have to testify, you dumbass' (that's actually from the court transcripts).

dumbass ho

the election is soon. we have to get her out of here. quickly. stay cool.

i'll post my updates later.

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