Sunday, January 13, 2008

the boredom is gonna get ya (sung to the tune of 'the rhythm is gonna get ya")

not to be redundant here or anything, but i was (in my intense boredom) reading casual encounters on craigslist again and came across this...(way less graphic than last time)-

I am the best you will ever have. I believe that I am because I'm not afraid to ask for what I want and I will do what I can to please. I am a size 8, medium build, nice rack, all my teeth, shoulder length red hair, green eyes, nice skin, don't look a day over 28, little makeup or jewelry, kinda wholesome & natural looking, not flashy nor a wallflower. Don't waste my time if not interested. Please be detailed and specific in terms of what you have to pique my interest!

ok, here's my thing...why does she have to make it clear that she has all of her teeth!?!?!!?

footnote- the heading says she's 28. god help her if she's wearing falsies already!!!


Meeg said...

I was sold when I heard she had all her teeth.

Little makeup, wholesome, not flashy or plain? Sounds pretty boring really.

Stinky's Mommy and Daddy said...

hey!! i don't wear makeup. ok, so i'm pretty damn far from wholesome, and not plain at all. would you say i'm flashy? let's have a poll....

is nicole flashy?

remember that time we were studying in your dorm room and i was wearing that green sweater that was cut and ragged at the sleeves and on the edges (and that didn't have buttons or a zipper- it just had that one buckle up at the top so that it opened out towards the waist) and i was wearing those fingerless gloves. then i looked down at myself, then up at you and said, 'do you think this outfit makes me look...'
and you said, 'homeless. yes.'